Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Loving Every Post-arangetram Minute

It's been 2 months since I finished my arangetram, but I'm only now starting to feel like I've established a post-arangetram routine - and it's amazing! It's everything I dreamed having 2.5 hours of my day back would be. Ed and I have been pretty good about going to the gym to do our women's weight lifting routine (have I mentioned that Ed is a really good sport about everything?). This weekend, I finally bought a new pair of outdoor running shoes - a mere 8 years or so after I bought my last pair, and tried them out today doing a wuss "run"*. It's the first time I've been excited about running in years. Also today, I got my bike pedal restored, which had been broken since the week of my arangetram.

This is what freedom looks like

What's even more amazing is that I went to dance class for the first time since my arangetram and I truly enjoyed it. I had practiced a few times over the summer, but I was so burnt out that I was not feeling it. Yesterday, however, I was really happy to be there, something I hadn't felt in probably a year. It's great to be back!

* wuss run: An athletic activity wherein the participant alternates between walking and jogging, switching as the song on said participant's audio apparatus changes.