Friday, August 5, 2011

Downsizing and Appealing Head Shapes

What's the number one thing every dancer does immediately after her arangetram? Chop off her hair. In my case, it was item 9 or 10, but I finally got around to it. The results:


This is my first for real hair cut in... basically since I moved to California 4 years ago. I'll get a trim every year or so, but that's about it, and even then, it's like a $25 hair cut. Once I got to dancing, I needed my hair to be long to facilitate braiding. I also couldn't have layers because they're a nightmare to braid with.

This time, I went for an unheardof $75 hair cut at my boyfriend's hair salon. Yes, that old cliche of the boyfriend who wants his lady to spend more money on hair care. I rolled with it, and I'm pretty happy with the results.

In addition to the nice hair cut I was also complemented on the height of the top of my head. That's a new one, but I'll take it!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Not Me!

I've been a bad blogger for the last three weeks. Since I finished my arangetram, I've wanted to distance myself as much as possible from my arangetram and all things arangetram. Not because I'm not happy about my arangetram or anything - not at all. It was a wonderful experience. But I'm still exhausted and trying to figure out what my life is going to be like without 14 hours of dance a week.

Yesterday, I helped out at the first post-Emily's-arangetram arangetram. It was pretty great! For one, I was totally relaxed. Even at the other arangetrams I helped out at before mine, I was stressed out because I knew my time was coming. This time, I had already done my bit, so there was nothing to stress out over.

The Other Side of the Game

I was really happy to help out at yesterday's arangetram. The dancer, Keerti, helped me out a lot during my performance and stage rehearsal. She was very calm and collected, and her sister had done her own arangetram years ago, so her family was also very chill. This is a rarety in the business, I assure you. She did a great job and I'm very happy for her. Also, still happy it wasn't me this time :)

It was also nice to watch the show with my fantastic boyfriend, who was wonderfully dressed in a silk kurta he purchased himself in Bombay. I feel like we fit in. However, one of the dancer's uncles asked me if I was Keerti's classmate. I said yes, originally thinking that he meant her dance classmate, but later when he referred my boyfriend as her classmate as well, I knew we'd had a misunderstanding.

New accomplishment: I am more convincing as an 18 year old than as a Bharatanatyam dancer.

This week, I'm striving to do a better job of updating the blog. Stay tuned for posts of video clips, more pictures, and how I got into Bharatanatyam in the first place.