Monday, June 13, 2011

Into the Deep End

zOMG what a crazy weekend! In addition to the usual practice practice practice, I had invitations to package up and ship out, blouses to hand off for stitching, and a Shriya to help out for her arangetram. By Sunday night I was more tired than I was Friday night, which for me is very unusual.

It all started promptly at 10:30am when I got to my practice space in the city. I was exhausted, but man is it cool to have a big open space, with cushy nice dance floors, in the heart of the Mission.

A little piece of heaven

Practice itself, however, was brutal. I've fallen a little behind in my stamina practice, so it was hard doing the second day in a row. I was amused when someone came in and asked if this is where the hip hop class is. Umm, yeah... Just getting ready for my role in the next Lil Wayne video. I hear he's really down with Vishnu.

After a shower and a quick brunch, I roped my sister and boyfriend into helping me package up the 150 or so invitations I had to send out. It took longer than I thought, but before dinner we had it all done.

So much for having my apartment cleaned last week

Another unanticipated problem: apparently, 150 envelopes is not something you just dump in your corner mailbox. Sigh. So I had a trip to the USPS office near my place on Monday to get the invitations on their way.

Finally, Sunday, all day, was arangetram madness. This was my first time helping out back stage at an arangetram.

Where the magic begins

I can't believe how much stuff there is to do. It takes like 5 people just to get the performer's make up on. I have no idea how my arangetram is going to happen. On the plus side, dancing for 2 hours in front of everyone I know seems so simple compared to all the organizing and preparation that needs to go into getting the performance together. So at least I can fall back on that...

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