Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sleep and the Final Stretch

Last week was rough. A combination of things, some physical (new physio exercises made my legs hurt during practice), but mostly mental, made me completely exhausted. A big problem was falling asleep. With looming rehearsals and performance, there's so much to get done. So in spite of being absolutely exhausted when I went to bed, I was consistently awake for another 2+ hours running through all the random tasks to get done the next day. Not cool.

However, by the end of the week, a lot was settled. I got a videographer and photographer booked last week, and Kjirsten settled the food. All are costing me more than I'd estimated, but I'm not quite in the poor house yet. I hope my future children weren't planning on going to college*. I also watched and helped out at the last arangetram before mine. Strangely, I felt less stressed after it was done despite a lot of 'OMG are you READY?!?!?!' inquiries. No, I'm not ready. But I will be in two weeks. Please keep your pants on.

I also got through my first couple of last-mile practices with my Guru. They have gone extremely well by my standards. There's a lot to improve, but nothing that warrants panicking. I had my first rehearsal with my vocalist: the wonderful Sindhu Natarajan! I had a lot of fun. Dancing with live musicians is always so much better than with recordings, plus Sindhu has one of the most gorgeous voices I've heard. I'm getting excited for my show.

So there's a lot more crazy to come. First orchestra rehearsal is tomorrow, then stage rehearsal Tuesday, then final orchestra rehearsal next Thursday, plus a whole lot of practice in between. However, Friday is my last pre-arangetram day at work, and I'm staying in the South Bay this weekend, so I feel like a lot of the build up stress will be mitigated by having a single focus. As well, my boyfriend is back on Monday, my parents arrive on Wednesday, and my sister and the Gaby arrive on Friday. So much to look forward to!

T minus 10 days.

* Of course, they will always have the more affordable alternative of University in Canada.

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