Saturday, March 26, 2011

Attempt to dye braid: Failures 1 and 2

One of the consequences of being a white person in a brown woman's world is the clash of hair. I have light to medium brown hair, which contrasts with the vast majority of the women I dance with who have jet black hair. As part of our performances, we either wear long extended braids or buns, both of which require hair prosthesis. Naturally, the fake hair that's made for dance is all black. Last year, I attempted to ignore the problem and would up with an innovative yet hideous two tone franken braid.

This year I really wanted to get the colour right. Since I couldn't buy a brown braid extension anywhere I looked in Chennai, I'm attempting to dye one of the ones I have. Rumour has it that lime juice could work, so I got some limes and did a sample. I've also heard that peroxide is a good way to lighten hair, so I figured I'd try that separately as well.

Attempts at dying braid numbers 1 and 2

I set up two hair samples on my kitchen counter and put them by the window for the added benefit of sun exposure.

tehmle's Cosmetics Laborary, complete with toaster oven

Results: complete failure. Both samples, after 2 hours in the sun and a thorough rinse, show no signs of colour change.

Note: Appearance of colour change is an effect of the Android camea

So back to the drawing board. The only thing I can think of is actual hair dye, but if peroxide doesn't work I'm skeptical dye will. Any suggestions?


  1. Bleach? Or more realistically, bleach and then dye.

  2. I have almost the same problem, just not as drastic.
