Thursday, March 17, 2011

Executive Decision

Today I skipped class for the first time in... possibly ever. At least since September. Normally I never miss class unless I'm sick or traveling. And even then, I usually try to plan my travel such that I make it back in time for dance class. That's harder to do now that I have class 3 or 4 times a week in a normal week, 5+ in a busy week. This year, I've avoided all business travel in spite of enjoying excuses to visit other Google offices. I've also turned down a bunch of fun trip opportunities like skiing in Tahoe and Colorado and a girls' trip to LA. So there are some sacrifies.

Today, though, I decided skipping was in order. I've practiced every day this week and I'm still behind on the piece I'm in for the April 2nd show. Getting in enough non-stop stamina practice of my arangetram pieces turns out to take a lot of time. As well, I have a job that takes up a lot of time. Thursday class is also a Junior class - they're 10 years old, so they learn pieces really slowly, and it's even slower given that they're performing the Thursday piece in the show on April 2nd. Given the chance to practice on my own piece for the show or learn a small amount of a piece I might use for my arangetram, I decided on the former. I'm not sure my dance teacher will agree, but I'll find out on Saturday.

I realize I'm spending a lot of time defending my decision. I would never be so wrought about working from home or taking a day off if I was too busy. But I'm not really sure what kind of leeway I have with my dance teacher. The cultural norms are extremely strict compared to the come to work at noon and have a beer culture of the office. But even by dance standards I think I'm obsessing a bit much. Time for bed.

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