Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Post Show Recap

I've been remiss in keeping up to date on the dance show happenings. tehmle FAIL. The official excuse could be that I still haven't got any pictures of me and my group dressed up all pretty. The real excuse is that I've been totally wiped out and I was taking time off from work and very happy to be away from computers and all things implying responsibility.


I think the show went well. No one in my group tripped over a box this year, which was an improvement over last year. Although every year I think it will get easier, getting ready took forever and required a lot of work. Fortunately I had some help from Kjirsten, my adopted dance mom, who does my hair for most of my shows.

Hair + Extension with Abrupt Colour Transition

After a few hours of hair, make up, and costume donning, we got out and did our thing.

 Where's White Girl?

Our piece was 10 minutes, but when I got off stage I felt like I'd been dancing for hours. Not sure how this whole 2 hour show thing is going to work out. Y'all might want to bring some reading material in case I need a break. The costume itself is partly to blame. Our practice attire is pretty light without all the jewelry and ankel bells. My back ached for a good 2 days after the show. It actually didn't feel that badly while I was dancing, but once the adrenaline wore off I was out.

Following the show, I scooted off to Google to get all the regalia off before the longish drive home.

Free At Last

While I was completely spent, I was happy with how the show went. All the effort everyone put into getting my appearance just right paid off, or so I think. My Sagely Dance Teacher tells me my performance was not bad, but not quite up to where she thinks it should be. Sigh. With 3 months to go, I'm going to have to work on expression for sure and more stamina.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped - Kjirsten for doing a pro job of my hair, Rasika for showing me how to wear her costume right, Auntie for loaning me the costume, Mrs. Venkatesh for bringing lunch, Phi and Shubhie for cheering me on after sitting through 2 hours of show already, Shriya, Meena, Mamta, and Usha for being super great dancers to dance with, and of course my awesome boyfriend who loans me cars, brings me dinner, and is my number one cheerleader.

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