Thursday, April 21, 2011

Quantity is not Quality

By the end of last week's new beefed up training schedule, I was incredibly exhausted by Monday evening's dance classes. Part of this I attribute to (brace yourself) my starting on the rags. At first, it was the only thing I attributed it to. I had slept plenty every night. I had been eating a ton over the weekend. Then I realized that while I'd been eating a ton, a lot of it was junk.

It wasn't as if I was sitting on my couch eating potato chips and drinking Mountain Dew. As with any weekend, I had merely eaten out a lot while I was hanging out with friends. Saturday night was my first visit to California Pizza Kitchen. Their menu was atrocious. I wanted a basic tomato-sauce based pizza with minimal cheese and a big selection of vegetables (and vegetarian, obviously). There was nothing in the menu that fit that bill, and worse, they don't offer the ability to add vegetables/toppings to whatever you order. Lame. Also, everything was approaching 1000 calories, which is incredibly high compared to what I normally eat in a dinner. So I went with something that sounded pretty vegetably: roasted artichoke and spinach. It tasted okay, though it was incredibly salty from all the cheese and limited vegetables.
Over salted and under nourished

Sunday, I went out for a delicious buffet at Sakoon in Mountain View. That in itself wasn't necessarily bad, but my exhausted post-dance brain wanted immediate happiness and dove straight for the paneer and veg manchurian. For those of you unfamiliar with veg manchurian, it is a staple of Indian Chinese food (which is a completely inauthentic, racist Indian interpretation of what Chinese food is) entirely composed of corn meal and ajinomoto (ie MSG). It is helladelicious. It is absolutely terrible for you. Naturally, I ate a lot of it. So in hindsight, it was no surprise I felt like crap on Monday.

This week, I've ordered a book on women's athletic training. Hopefully it will have more advice than just to avoid CPK and MSG.

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